You can find a comprehensive list of publications affiliated with the Multisensory Experience Lab here.
In the Multisensory Experience Lab we investigate the combination of different input and output modalities in interactive applications. We are interested in both development of novel hardware and software technologies as well as evaluation of user experience. We apply our technologies in a variety of areas such as health, rehabilitation, education, art and entertainment.
We are very interested in collaborating with other institutions and companies, for example through common research projects or industrial Ph.D. and postdoc program. If you would like to collaborate, feel free to get in touch.
We are particularly interested in researching topics related to sonic interaction design for multimodal environments, simulating walking experiences, sound rendering and spatialization, haptic interfaces, cinematic VR and evaluation of user experience in multimodal environments.
Teachers and psychologists can use the new wave of consumer VR technologies as a tool to help children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD
Extended Reality - Accessible Interaction Design
reconstructions of the instruments present in the museum
Sonic Interaction Design
DDSP as a baseline approach to overcome the high-latency and black-box deficits of traditional deep learning-based voice conversion techniques
Sonic Interaction Design - Extended Reality
An Augmented Reality Experience to Train Music Perception for the Hard of Hearing using the HoloLens 2
Accessible Interaction Design - Extended Reality - Participatory Design - Sonic Interaction Design
Vibrotactile augmentation into musical training to enhance the music perception of cochlear implanted children
Haptic Interfaces - Accessible Interaction Design
The Nordic Sound and Music Computing Network
Sonic Interaction Design
3D audio framework
Extended Reality - Sonic Interaction Design
teachers and psychologists can use the new wave of consumer VR technologies as a tool to help children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD
Sonic Interaction Design
Gamification in audiology
Accessible Interaction Design - Extended Reality - Participatory Design - Sonic Interaction Design
The Effect of Vibro-Tactile Stimuli on Musical Perception
Haptic Interfaces - Sonic Interaction Design
improve users' interactions with beamforming via a virtual prototyping approach in immersive virtual environments (VEs)
Extended Reality - Sonic Interaction Design
Investigates the use of vibrotactile augmentation of music for cochlear implant users.
Haptic Interfaces - Accessible Interaction Design
Investigating new ways of using VR to cultivate intrinsic motivation in the context of physio-therapeutic rehabilitation.
Extended Reality - Participatory Design
A collaborative accessible digital musical interface (CADMI) for people with ALS (PALS)
Accessible Interaction Design - Participatory Design - Sonic Interaction Design
Enhancing education and training through data-driven adaptable games in flipped classrooms
Multisensory Interactions
Development of innovative techniques for binaural sound rendering
Sonic Interaction Design
Training spatial awareness in children with hearing loss using VR.
Accessible Interaction Design - Extended Reality - Participatory Design - Sonic Interaction Design
applying them to road traffic, biological systems, and further real-life models
Sonic Interaction Design
Digital Reworking/Reappropriation of Electro-Accostic Music
Sonic Interaction Design
links between immersive technologies and cinematic embodied storytelling
Extended Reality - Multisensory Interactions
Interactive installations of individual sound artworks
Multisensory Interactions - Sonic Interaction Design
Musical training for cochlear implants users
Accessible Interaction Design - Sonic Interaction Design - Haptic Interfaces - Participatory Design
Allowing users to freely walk through virtual environments
Extended Reality - Multisensory Interactions
an interactive experience that allows visitors to play the iconic Violino Arpa housed within The Danish Music Museum
Accessible Interaction Design - Sonic Interaction Design